Republican congressional leader Eric Cantor said he is concerned by the "growing mobs occupying wall street and other cities across our country," and criticized "some in this town have condoned pitting Americans against Americans." He might as well have said "Let them eat cake" and we all know that comment was the catalyst that started the French Revolution.
Representative Cantor calls it a mob when there are peaceful protest against the banks and Wall Street but he has no negative comments about the mob activities of the Tea Party. His statement seems to be at best unfair but not unexpected since he is the main defender of big business and the wealthy in congress. According to the blog Fight for a better Us, "Eric Cantor (R-VA) representative of House received $12,650 campaign contributions from the notorious Koch Brothers who back anyone that will protect business at the expense of the middle class and the nation as a whole. They have spent their money well with Cantor one of the best investments they have put money into.
The so called Mob on Wall Street was not created by the left or radicals but more accurately created by the excessive greed of the banks and some on Wall Street that forgot ethics and created a system that has almost destroyed our nation. The banks were bailed out, Wall Street was bailed out but the middle class was asked to pay for it but not given a break for themselves in the process. The mob does not have clear message and has a variety of people in it from old grandmothers to students, One unifying factor they do have is they all know that the system is screwing them all the same. The rich get richer and the middle class is now joining the ranks of the poor.
Cantor and others of his thinking may have the "Let them eat cake" attitude toward the middle class. Maybe it is time for the mob to move to the steps of the capitol and set up a guillotine to separate those who do not support the values that this country was founded on, with equal rights for all men and opportunity for every American. Cantor's head would be the first to roll. But the battle will not end until those that are behind this attack on the middle class, like the Koch Brothers heads also roll. Then the American nightmare may turn into the American dream again. This is not a call to violence but a call for America to wake up and get rid of this group of politicians that are bought and paid for by big business. End their evil way at the ballot box.