Saturday, February 23, 2019

What is a real national emergency

Trump wants to declare a national emergency to build the border wall. But we have a number of emergencies that should’ve been handled first.
The cost of all the national disasters related to climate change in the USA in 2018 $91 billion and 2017 was worse at a cost of $306 billion. This is a mixed bag including loss of life, damaged infrastructure and cost of relocation.
Civil engineers estimated the cost of fixing our crumbling infrastructure at $4.6 trillion. Our bridges are deteriorating along with dams, power grids and roads. The longer we wait the higher the cost.
Our educational system is another disaster that will also require a large sum of money to fix. Our teachers only make 68% of the salaries of other college graduates in the workforce. Even though we spend more per pupil than any other country are system is behind a number of countries. And US students are as much a year behind students in other counties in core subjects like math. The key is spending more money on teacher salaries which would allow current teachers to focus on the classroom instead of worrying about finances and the higher pay would also attract better new applicants.
We do have a opioid disaster that is partly supported by illegal drugs that have not been stopped at official points of entry but this problem was caused by greedy US pharmaceutical companies and doctors those companies paid to increase the use of their drugs. From 2001-2018 this crisis has cost the nation $1 Trillion dollars and that does not include the personal tragedies of those who have been impacted by it.
The cost of the national disaster of gun violence in the USA for our economy is about $229 billion and the loss of lives in 2017 was 39,773 people. This is a disaster that the President and his republican colleagues who all are receiving money from the NRA don’t want to talk about.
With all of these other National Emergencies why does Trump want to build a wall.
I forgot there is one other national disaster I did not name Donald Trump he has set US progress back ten years and damaged the reputation and fiber of America.