Sunday, September 4, 2011

It is revolting, but we are facing dark clouds in our economy. We face even darker clouds when we look for leadership in this country. The president has been weak in his leadership compromising too much. The republican leadership has shown none and only does things that they believe will make the president look worse. The agenda has been political not practical.

Why don't these guys just fall on there swords like the Japanese samurai did when they did not complete their task? What has happened to honor, and doing what is right for the country? Shame on all three of your houses.
There is no easy solution to the mess we are in but I do have a few suggestions on things that could be done to improve the situation.
A. Create a massive infrastructure program that provides jobs and also fixes our decaying infrastructure.
B.Give republicans lower corporate rates for businesses but on the condition that those businesses create jobs in the United States. If they do not, no tax break and maybe a penalty because they are not being loyal Americans,
C. Use the heavy hand of the government to encourage banks to make loans easier for business to expand, Banks should also be encouraged to redo all housing loans at risk so that they are realistic in there process for consumers to pay back loans. Maybe extend loan out a bit to lower payments. If the banks don't go along make their life miserable.
D. Cut congress's wages and benefits by 40% to make them reflective of the economy they can't seem to fix. Also stop all corporate donations and pacs and only allow published individual donations.
This four step plan may not totally get us out from under this dark cloud that covers our nation but it would let the sun peak through.

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