Sunday, April 10, 2011


It is time for the middle class to revolt. Not the idiots in the tea party who are the dupes of big business. Not the Christian right who are hardly Christian and seldom right. Since 2000 the middle class has been the group that has been squeezed, outsourced and abandoned by our congress.
Do we ever hear Congress talking about cutting their own pay, medical benefits, or golden retirement plans, I think not. But the new Republican plan for the budget cuts our benefits. They call unemployment benefits and social security entitlements. The truth is that both are insurance programs that we have paid in for years. Is it the middle class’s fault that the government has mismanaged these plans?
It looks like Congress is bought and paid for by big business interests. If you don’t believe this just look at the Republican budget proposal, they are ready to cut Medicaid and give people subsidies to give to the big insurance companies. Who will in turn raise rates so that the poor and middle class won’t get any benefit from the subsidy? If you don’t believe this just how much has your insurance gone up in the past five years.
The Republicans also want to reform taxes so the very rich who currently pay up to 35 percent will only pay 25 percent. After all the rich do need a break even thou history from the Reagan tax cuts for the rich shows they did not help the economy with the money they saved, they kept it instead. Nothing trickles down from the rich except when they are pissing on the middle class and the poor.
Corporations are also helped greatly from the Republican plan in the words of the plan itself, “Replaces the corporate income tax – currently the second highest in the industrialized world – with a border-adjustable business consumption tax of 8.5 percent. This new rate is roughly half that of the rest of the industrialized world. Replaces the corporate income tax – currently the second highest in the industrialized world – with a border-adjustable business consumption tax of 8.5 percent. This new rate is roughly half that of the rest of the industrialized world” This is a great deal for corporations but who do you think is going to pay for this? The middle class, at least that is the Republican plan. For further information on this idea contact the Koch brothers who are reported to be financially backing efforts to destroy unions in this county. There is good chance it was their idea anyway.
It is time to set up a guillotine outside the Capitol building and when these elected officials don’t do what is in our interest or threaten to shut the government down. Maybe we march the worst of them two by two from the right and left and show them how politicians were handled during the French Revolution when they did not do the peoples will. I don't endorse violence but Congress is not going to pay attention until there is a million people outside the Capitol demanding change.

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