Sunday, June 12, 2011


We watch the news on television or the internet, and most of the time it is about disasters, mayhem, or stories about people who you would not want at your dinner table. It is not just the duty of the media to bring us the dregs of the earth but also to find stories that inspire us.
Why does the public have to watch two weeks of constant coverage about Anthony Wiener's wiener? The only admirable thing in that story is his wife and how she is dealing with his general stupidity on the issue. It is true great men have great flaws but small men can also have great flaws. The news media and congress also have great flaws for perpetuating this story. I often hear the cry that the public wants to know, but what ever happened to using good sense and taste in how things are covered Why does the media always want to get off the main issues?
Everyone who is middle class is hurting severely now. The public does not need to be guided by the media or congress off the road to recovery.
The problem with the recovery is that some of the money has been misdirected such as the bank recovery money. That money should have gone out to get all the homeowners who were not speculators current on their loans. If that was done the banks would not have been in trouble, housing prices would not continue to go down. The greedy banks could have paid this money back out of their profits. That would have been a winning situation for everyone. But the way it w done the banks were saved making record profits while not giving an inch on their mortgage holders. They would offer plans to get mortgages straight by making people pay more for each payment until if was straight and not really helping the hand to mouth economy we all are working in.
If the Republicans want to give tax breaks to big corporations let it be base on jobs in the US, jobs created and average improvement in wages, don't just give them a pass because they are a done to your re election campaign.
The media needs to look into why things are being done by congress the way they are why all the help goes to the big boys and not the general public. It would also be nice to get a story or two on people who are doing things right.

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